Thursday, March 8, 2012

Newfoundland Travels - Labrador

A gorgeous day for traveling in Labrador. Travel the Trans Labrador Highway. Stop at L'Anse Amour, the site of a grave 7,500 years old. The grave site was found by a group of students who opinion that the rock pattern was quite unusual. Under the rock they found an enshrouded child of about twelve, face-down, painted in red with a flat rock on the lower back. Artifacts related with the burial comprise a walrus tusk, a estimate of stone and bone projectile points, a bird bone whistle, paint grist tools, an antler pendant, a toggling harpoon and a decorated ivory eagle.

Down the road is the Amour Lighthouse, the tallest one in Newfoundland Province. Even its proximity has not stopped ships from the treacherous shores. In 1922, the Hms Raleigh, a 12,000 Ton cruiser, avoiding an iceberg, ran aground. Its wreckage is strewn on the shore. During Wwii two ships collided in the dense fog in the straits, because there was a warning of a U-boat in the area. Ironically two other ships were lost in the straits that day too, but in a separate area. The Strait of Belle Isle is not only an iceberg alley, but also a shipwreck alley.

Harbor Freight

Up the road at Red Bay archeologists are still uncovering the first market whaling facility in the world. Founded in the 1540s by the Basque fishermen, from the area in the middle of France and Spain, the whale oil was used to light up Europe. During its peak, over 2,500 whalers in Labrador, produced roughly 20,000 barrels of oil annually. Using chalupas, a boat not a sandwich, they harpooned the right whales and brought them ashore for processing. In the harbor on Saddle Island archeological digs are still in process. Many artifacts are on display in the local museum, along with pieces of the wreckage of The San Juan, a whaling ship, found near the modern wreckage of the Bernier, caught in the same type of storms related with the Labrador Coast. Many sites exist on the mainland, but have not been explored, because they are on inexpressive property. The Basque commerce died colse to 1600, due to their involvement in the destruction of the Spanish Armada by the English (the Basque were on the losing side).

Newfoundland Travels - Labrador

1943 Print Salem Massachusetts Ship Boat Cargo Harbor Coast Freight Art Essex - Original Color Print Best

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1943 Print Salem Massachusetts Ship Boat Cargo Harbor Coast Freight Art Essex - Original Color Print Feature

  • Product Type: Original Color Print; Color
  • Grade: Near Mint / Very Fine+
  • Dimensions: Approximately 9 x 3.25 inches; 23 x 8 cm
  • Authentication: Dual Serial-Numbered Certificates of Authenticity w/ Full Provenance
  • Packaged in custom sleeve w/ archival black board (great for display, gift-giving, and preservation)

1943 Print Salem Massachusetts Ship Boat Cargo Harbor Coast Freight Art Essex - Original Color Print Overview

This is an original 1943 color print of the harbor of Salem, Massachusetts with various ships. Salem is located in Essex County and was founded in 1626.

Please note that there is printing on the reverse.

Customer Reviews

*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Mar 09, 2012 08:03:12

At Red Bay, the paved road ends. A new gravel road leads to Cartwright, chance the coastal towns for tourism and market development. After traveling forty or so kilometers on the road, we parked for the night at one of the numerous gravel pits used for the building of the roadbed. Mo had a great time exploring the nooks and crannies of the rocks.

Drive the gravel road from Red Bay to Cartwright, a distance of 312 kilometers or 187 miles. The road is roughly ten yards wide and is very well groomed. The speed limit is 70 kph or 42 mph. All along the road are sweeping vistas of pine forest and mountains, something akin to driving the Northern passage straight through the Adirondacks. roughly 80 kilometers from Cartwright is the junction for the planned road to Goose Bay of an further 250 kilometers. They plan to open this road by summer 2008. For now you have to take the ferry, 'Sir Robert Bond', from Cartwright to Goose Bay.

Most of the towns along the route are bypassed by the new road. There are few services on the highway itself. In Lodge Bay, gas and sundry items are ready at Mona's One Stop; no diesel. Diesel is ready at Mary's Harbour at C & J's Automotive. St. Mary's is the embarkation point for Battle Harbour Island and National Historic District. Known as the "unofficial" capital of Labrador, Battle Harbour was a major base for salt cod fishing in Labrador During the 19th Century. The area looks pretty much like it did in 1909. The fishery prolonged until the 1990s and then was donated to the people. Until the arrival of the highway this year the island was pretty inaccessible, except by boat.  Today interpreters in primary dress guide the tourist straight through a typical fishing settlement of the 19th and 20th centuries. Accommodations are ready for overnight stays.

Fifty km. From Mary's Harbour is Port Hope Simpson on the gorgeous Alexis River. Restaurants, sleeping accommodations, fuel and a hospital are ready there. This is the last vestige of civilization for the next 187 k. There are very few places to turn off the highway to rest. Most habitancy just park at the side of the road. Most of the traffic encountered were building vehicles along a fifty km. Stretch.

The roads in Cartwright are in complete inequity to the highway: rutted and corrugated. We parked with other trailers at the marker office parking lot, placed near the dock, and watched the tide come in.

There is wee to do in Cartwright. habitancy are production hay while the sun shines, which will be for only a few years.  Then Cartwright will return to anonimity.  We boarded the Sir Robert (not James) Bond Ferry at 4:30 for a 7:00 sailing. The ship was full to capacity, every person returning home from vacation or production the best of a three day weekend before returning to school or work. The ship is far from luxurious. During the night many people, who did not have a broom closet size room, slept on the floors. The strangest thing about the ship is the food service. The restaurant was open only until 6:30, ½ hour before sailing. Only snacks and the bar were open During the sailing itself. Wanted to see the Wunderstrand, a mile long white sand beach landmark for the Vikings, a two day journey from L'Anse aux Meadows. By the time we arrived at the coast and Porcupine Point, the sun had already set. We will have to wait for another day to see them.

After a fun night on board the ferry, we docked at Goose Bay-Happy Valley, Nf. The boat was like a morgue, bodies everywhere. If man wasn't sleeping in one of the few lounge chairs available, they were on the floor in the middle of them or on the side. The best way  of maneuvering straight through the area was via the lounge chair seats. Few habitancy were on them, because they were difficult to sleep in: too narrow and did not recline enough. After the bar closed, I went and tried that area. A few young habitancy were littered on the floor and straddling the chairs, which were low cut and on swivels. By positioning the body correctly I could lie down and assume some degree of relax and sleep. We woke up to a typical Labrador day: overcast, wet, and cool.

Our first stop was the Visitor's center, which was closed: only opened Mon-Fri. I guess the habitancy forget that an influx of habitancy comes off a boat every Saturday in the middle of 8:00 and 9:00 Am, who might like some information about the town. We had heard that Rvs were allowed to park in the town hall parking lot. But we did not know where that was and our map did not show it. We decided to go to a Tim Horton's, think Dunkin' Donuts in the States, and get needed nourishment(?), a cup of Java, and some necessary directions. Having gotten both and some good advice from the locals who had been on the ship with us, we were headed out the door, when We heard exclaimed, "Chicago?" I was wearing my Chicago Heights Roadway Jacket. We turned colse to and met a integrate from Chicago. He works for Serco, weather forecasters at the air base. After spending some time in conversation, he asked us if we wanted a tour of the facilities. The Greek chorus roared out a resounding, "Yes". We told them that we would be parked at the town hall, about 100 yards down the road. They said that they would meet us there in a integrate of hours.

Goose Bay Airport was once one of the most necessary troops airbases in North America. The Us built a mega-runway, long adequate to land any aircraft and once employed 16,000 personnel as a Sac base until 1991. In the 1980s one of the space shuttles used the runway for a landing strip. We were escorted to the weather forecasting tower and given a cook's tour of the facilities. The facility is divided into three sections,: observation, troops briefing, and forecasting. They are responsible for the weather observation and reporting of a 240 K diameter area, the size of New England minus Maine. We were unable to go up into the adjacent air tower. The Raf, British Royal Air Force, was planning to start low flying maneuvers in a few minutes. We had missed the take off of a Us Awacs plane a integrate hours ago. We went out on the deck and watched as Tornado fighter planes took off from the runway, afterburners on and a thunderous roar in their wake; a pretty challenging spectacle. in the middle of take offs a Rcmp jet landed and taxied in front of us. Other smaller market planes also shared the runway. In other words, Goose Bay is a vibrant living entity. Also using the facilities are the German Air Force (Luftwafte), and the Canada 5 Wing. The training is very environmentally friendly, taking into catalogue the large herds of caribou and other wildlife when they plan training missions.

On base is the movie theater complicated in Goose Bay, where the citizens have a wide option of movies from which to choose. This week their option was Bad Boys 2. Next week it would change. On base is a Canex, like a Px in the States. Anything can shop here. What makes this place unique is the wide option of food ready for Labrador. Specialty items are flown in from Germany and Great Britain, giving the servicemen and women a feeling of home. The German club has a restaurant open to the local citizens, but is finished to them until after tourist season in mid September.

They took us up to Dome Mountain Radar Station, which has an overlook of the Air base, Lake Melville, the Mealy Mountains, and Goose Bay in a valley. On the way out of the base we stopped at the troops Museum of Labrador, a history of the international society using the airfield.

A sunny day in Labrador. We saw some hiking trails in a brochure for Birch Brook Nordic Ski Club. Reasoning the place was empty, because of a lack of cars in the parking lot, we were surprised to see some young men at the chalet. They were members of the Raf on weekend leave from the base spending an overnight. The trails are well groomed and go straight through separate types of forest ecosystems. One aspen tree has the scars of where a bear tried climbing it. At the top of one of the hills, called lookout Rock, we were able to have a scenic view of Lake Melville and the environs. On the way back we met Betty Ann, one of the members and also a teacher in North West River. She spent some time showing us the separate types of berries growing colse to the trail. We sampled blueberries, snowberries, currents, raspberries, pit cherries, just to name a few. Along the trail we saw fresh piles of black bear scat. We knew it was black bear, because of the preponderance of blueberries and crackerberries in it. There were adequate of them to make jam. Not!!!

We prolonged the drive to North West River and Sheshitiu further along Lake Melville about twenty-five miles down lake. The towns are separated by a river and a chasm of cultural differences. Sheshitiu is Innui and is a resettlement society of the hunter/gatherers from Northern Canada. They hold the land in base and have wee opinion of inexpressive possessions and permanency of residences. It is a town you Travel through, but do not want to stay. Your possessions are assumed to be group property and so are treated as thus. On the other side of the river live the Innuit and Metis. Surprisingly there is no restaurant in town, just a grocery store. What the town does have to offer are gorgeous beaches and trails. There are also two foremost museums there: the Labrador Museum and the Labrador Interpretation Center.

The Labrador Museum is divided into four sections: hunters/gatherers lifestyle, Hudson Bay Trading Company, Grenfell's healing Mission Work among the population, and the Hubbard Expedition of the Interior of 1903. Mags was intrigued by the healing instruments and the baby incubator on display. We spent about one hour there looking at the exhibits.

The Labrador Interpretation center was opened by Queen Elizabeth Ii in 1997. A modern building with artifacts thousands of years old from the separate peoples settling Labrador. On display is a 100 year old sealskin kayak, which still looked pretty serviceable. The mannequins' models were real habitancy from Labrador. The center also has a large auditorium which shows two movies about the separate sections of Labrador.

On the way home we dropped by the Aurora Hotel and picked up the satellite phone for our journey to Churchill Falls tomorrow. This is a free service, secured by a prestige card, on a twenty-four hour basis, whereby you can contact the Rcmp in case of an emergency. We topped off our fuel tank and are ready to continue our trek West tomorrow.

Before leaving Goose Bay on our trek to Churchill Falls and beyond, we had heard about the art work at the Labrador healing center about one hundred yards from us. The habitancy were right. The art work is beautiful. Diana Dabinett, an artist from St. John's did a series of painted silk hangings depicting separate aspects of Labrador: birds, sea life, animals, and scenery. These are hanging in the restaurant along with large oil painting of separate scenes of Labrador: coastal, waterfalls, tree lined mountains. Along the corridors are folk sculptures done by the Innu and Innuit peoples. All of the signs in the hospital are written in three languages: English, Innu, and Innuit.

The hospital seems have its priorities well in hand. The closest parking spot to the entrance is reserved for the Or nurse on call. Is there Anything more important? Only the patient.

With satellite telephone in hand, off we went for the 180 mile adventure along the gravel road of Rte 500. The speed limit is 70 kph (42 mph). The road is well maintained but still rough. We saw two graders working on separate parts of the road. The modern road is a lot great than the old narrow dirt one, which sometimes rears its ugly head off to the side. The views are of black spruce forests with aspens, birches, and other fir trees interspersed. The ground cover is primarily Caribou Moss; undoubtedly a lichen. Near the East Metchin River is the Orma Caribou Hunting Zone. Off to the side of the road you can see the remains of caribou, which have been killed for sport: hooves, bones, etc.

We reached Churchill Falls after six hours of driving. We averaged about thirty-five miles per hour. This included frequent rest stops. We did not want to race straight through the area, because of the proximity of potholes, etc. We were not in any hurry. That night it turned cold, the low in the upper forties. Brrr!!

We went on a tour of the Churchill Falls Hydroelectric inexpressive Plant. This plant is the largest inexpressive plant in the world, seventh largest electrical producer in the world, using eleven turbines to produce adequate 60% of the electricity for Quebec Province and all of Labrador. We took an elevator over nine hundred feet into the bedrock, where the rock is over 3,000,000,000 (three billion) year old, some of the oldest rock in the world. I cannot fathom that number. The trip to Labrador is worth just taking this tour of the plant, an unknown wonder of the world. The stockroom of water used for the production is the size of the province of New Brunswick. It takes three days for the water to flow from it to reach the inexpressive turbines.

The town itself is one of the few firm towns still in existence. All of the housing and other facilities are owned and operated by the Cflcl, except the only gas station, and the hotel restaurant complex. The library for a town of only 650 habitancy is quite allinclusive and is opened more than any library in Newfoundland Province, along with St. John's. The town is a great place to work, but not retire. The winters are quite challenging: -40° F and up to fifteen feet of snow annually. Most habitancy plan to stay only five years, but remain because they come to be enamoured with the North Country living. Most habitancy purchase pickup trucks, snowmobiles (one per family member), canoes, motorboats, and other adult recreational toys. To get away from meeting the same habitancy while working, shopping, praying, etc., they build a cabin out of town. Everything is subsidized by the company, along with food (same prices as St. John's), housing, and freight transportation costs.

The tour guide mentioned about getting a sheet on the road conditions to Labrador City, which completely slipped our minds. We did remember to pick up the next satellite telephone, for which we are truly grateful. The road to Labrador City was an adventure. Some places you could go fifty mph, but then, roughly immediately you hit a series of washboard road, which reduced your speed to less than fifteen mph. There are graders out to heighten the road, but there is nothing to heighten since most of the top layer has been already scraped off. We learned at the Visitor's center in Labrador City that the citizens are trying to get the government to pave a small layer of special material which is efficient on some of the roads in Quebec Province. Not too much luck so far.

We were very fortunate During our 160 mile trip. We only lost the cap to our sewer pipe relationship and broke one wine glass. Everything was covered with a fine layer of dust. We wanted an adventure and our wish was fulfilled. We could still speak to each other fairly civilly--with a bit of effort.

We went touring Wabush and Labrador City, both towns were built in the late 60s and early 70s because of the iron deposits. First came the railroad from Sept-Iles, Pq. Later the road was built from Baie Comeau. The intuit we saw so much of the towns was that we were looking for a change end cap for our sewer pipe. Some places had parts, but no one had what we needed.

All of the mine tours ended the Friday before Labor Day. Once again we were a few days too late. We did see a integrate of blasts. The Wabash mine set one off at 12:15. It was small. The Icc mine, however, set off a large one about an hour later.

Newfoundland Travels - LabradorAlgobay at Portland Harbor in Maine Video Clips. Duration : 1.30 Mins.

this is the algo bay from the algoma central corporation this boat is docked at portland terminal where the cruise ships used to dock. this is a rare sighting. Algo bay is actually a great lakes bulk carrier . This ship has paid the state of Maine 000 to stay there during the winter.. It was on its way back from China. This is the sister ship to the Algoport which sank in september 2009 information provided by Great Lakes Ships in the background is the navig8 stealth near bug lighthouse(unable to upload video, not sure why) This ship unfortunately left in February :(

Keywords: ship, boat, tanker, oil, cargo, freight, algo, algoma, bay, corporation, ocean, casco, navigate, navigator, navig8, stealth, cruise

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